Intake Form

Please be as honest and specific as possible. This is a non-judgemental training company.
The more accurate the information, the more suitable the training advice, leading to the best outcome possible! 


New Rules to Include:

Veterinary Acknowledgement

Spayed or Neutered:

Food Acknowledgement

Please Select All Behavioral Issues that Apply:

Programs of Interest

Other Animals Acknowledgement

What Tools do you use to walk your dog?

Vehicle Acknowledgement

Are you willing to implement boundaries, rules, and structure for your dog?

Social Agreement

At My Loyal Companion, we put your Loyal Companions (the dog’s) best interest FIRST. If at any time during the training sessions we do not feel like your pet is suitable for our program, we will gladly assist you, to the best of our knowledge, in finding another trainer more suitable for your Companion.


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